Your ⌦phone⌫ peace is your most precious ally.
Your ⌦phone⌫ peace is your immortal beloved, never having left you, or could possibly leave you.
Without your ⌦phone⌫ peace, you will feel as something is missing.
The world desperately needs you to be living with your ⌦phone⌫ peace.
Your ⌦phone⌫ peace is the very tool that you'll use to heal your world.
Your ⌦apps⌫ thoughts will want to absorb your attention. But you'll remember there's something underneath all that.
By all means, protect your ⌦phone⌫ peace.
Which is to say, ⌦scroll⌫ meditate daily.
You have the wisdom to return to your ⌦phone⌫ peace right now if you so choose.
Just what do you think your life will look like when you choose to live from your ⌦phone⌫ peace?